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Sunday, October 17, 2010

In the Making of Research Proposal

 Hi friends. This entry is the continuation from Research Proposal which highlight more on the making of my Research Proposal.

I refer to book materials

And also non-book materials for doing my Literature Review and other Chapters as well
Below are list of reference used in the making of my Research Proposal


Algert, N. E., & Watson, K. L. (2002). Conflict management: Introductions for individuals and organizations. Bryan, TX: Center for Change and Conflict Resolution)

Berry &Barbara Powers (1995 ). An Analysis of the Relationships Between
Gender - Role Classification and Interpersonal Conflict Management
Styles of Selected Missouri School Administrators. PHD dissertation .
Saint Louis University.

Braiker, J. (1986). The type E woman. New York: The NAL Penguin Inc

Deutsch,M. (1973). The Resolution of Conflict. New Haven : Yale University Press

Dotun Ogunyemi et. al. (2010). The Associations Between Residents’ Behavior and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict MODE Instrument. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. Retrieved on 23rd March 2010 from http://www.jgme.org/doi/abs/10.4300/JGME-D-09-00048.1

Easterbrook, S.M., Beck, E.E., Goddlet, J.S., Plownan, L., Sharples, M. And Woode, C.C. (1993). A Survey of Empirical Studies of Conflict . CSCW: Cooperation or Conflict? Springer-Verlag. London, pp. 1 – 68.

Entrepreneur. (2010). Demographics. Retrieved on October 2, 2010 from http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/term/82226.html

Enver Özkalp, Zerrin Sungur, Aytül Ayse Özdemir. (2009). Conflict management styles of Turkish managers. Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 33 Iss: 5, pp.419 – 438. Retrieved on September 27, 2010 from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1793434&show=pdf

Fasnacht, M.S. (1990). A conflict management-training module for a leadership development program. Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Fraenkel J.R. & Wallen N.E. (2010). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGrawHill.

Henkin A.B., Cistoner P.J., & DeeJ.R. (1999). Conflict management strategies of principals in site-based managed schools. Emerald Insights. Retrieved on September 17, 2010 from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=839170&show=html

Invernizzi, J.A. ( 1988) . An Analysis Of Their Operational Relationships of Conflict Management Styles. University of Pittsburgh.

Kenneth W. Thomas et. all. (2008). Conflict Styles of Men and Women at Six Organization Levels. International Journal of Conflict Management. EMERALD. Retrieved on September 23, 2010 from http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewContentItem.do;jsessionid=64986DC0A1B434A05F5C36DEA10A9D7F?contentType=Article&hdAction=lnkpdf&contentId=1722767

Kim T.Y, Wang C., Kondo M.,Kim T.H. (2007). Conflict management styles: the differences among Chinese, Japanese and Koreas. Emerald Insights. Retrieved on September 26, 2010 from www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1616047&show=pdf

Kozhevnikov M. (2007). Cognitive Styles in the Context of Modern Psychology: Toward and Integrated Framework of Cognitive Style. George Mason University. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from http://nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mkozhevnlab/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/cognitive_styles2007.pdf

Lortie D. C. (1975). School teacher: A sociological study. The University of Chicago Press.

Louis, M.R. (1980). Organizations as culture-bearing milieux. In Organizational Symbolism. Edited by L.R. Pondy, et al. Greenwich, CT: JAI.

Manimaran a/l Parasuraman (1992). Penyelesaian Konflik Dalam Organisasi,
Latihan Ilmiah Sarjana Muda. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Mcintyre, S.E.(1991). Conflict Management by Male and Female Managers as
Reported by Self and by Male and Female Subordinates, Ph. D.
dissertation, Georgia State University.

PEB Valentine. (2010). A Gender Perspective on Conflict Management Strategies of Nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Retrieved on October 17, 2010 from http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118999821/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

Pondy, L. R. (1967). Organizational Conflict : Concepts and Models.
Administrative Science Quarterly 12 : 296- 320.

Rashid J. (2002). Leadership development: Conflict Management for College Student Leaders. Volume 3, Number 1. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from http://www.creducation.org/resources/cmher_vol_3_1_rashid.pdf

Robbins, S dan Mukerji, D. (1994 ). Managing Organisations ( 2nd Edition).
New York : Prentice Hall.

Sabina & Muhammad Nauman. (2010). Private Sectors Managers Approach to Conflict Management: A Study of Relationships between Conflict Management Styles and Personality Type.ULRICH’s Periodical Directory. Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research. Vol 2, No 1. Pp. 304 – 312

Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: A skill building approach (4th ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Shane M. & Glinow. (2008). Organizational Behavior. McGrawHill.

Socionics.com. (2010). Psychological Types. Retrieved on September 28, 2010 from http://www.socionics.com/main/types.htm

Stanley C.A. & Algert N. E. (2007). An Exploratory Study of the Conflict Management Styles of Department Heads in a Research University Setting. Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. Retrieved on October 2, 2010 from http://www.springerlink.com/content/q15181525746474l/

Thomas K.W & Kilmann R.H. (1974). Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Xicom:Tuxedo, New York.

Article Review "Top-Down Management: An Effective Tool in Higher Education?"

Hi all. Here is my Article Review on "Top-Down Management: An Effective Tool in Higher Education?" and had already been submitted to Dr. Teoh (*plus I have already obtained my marks ;)*)



The article chosen entitled ‘Top-down Management: An Effective Tool in Higher Education’ written by Tsai & Beverton (2007) touch on top-down management in the university level as a form of organizational change. The article highlights on the strengths and weaknesses of top-down management that has been practically used in the tertiary level. At such, top-down management is considered as a platform to trigger globalisation in the organization. Even though it is still been traditionally performed by much organization, there are, indeed, a lot of problems scanned, specifically within the department of the organization.
....to read the rest of the Review, please click ---->   Article Review (Nur Zahira)

Research Proposal 2010

Finally, I've submitted my Research Proposal to Dr. Teoh today, I'm really hope that all my efforts so far will be blessed with satisfying rewards. Let me englighten you readers about my Research Proposal. It is entitled Conflict Management Styles Among Secondary School Administrators in Selangor. Without further ado, attach below are my:

To Dr. Teoh, thank you for teaching us! Really enjoy your class :D

Friday, October 8, 2010

Research Proposal's Marathon

Finally, the Test is over.
I feel better indeed.
Now, I need energy to do Research Proposal's Marathon

Eat more for energy    

Yes, now is the time to 'Make-up' your Research Proposal!!!
'Let's Make-up our Research Proposal'

Aim for the Best!
Good Luck with your writing everyone!

Monday, October 4, 2010

In-Class: Test Revision

Dear my Classmatess, are we ready for the second test that will be held this Thursday (October 8, 2010)? Without further wasting our time here, let's recap what we have revised so far in Dr Teoh's class.

Doing Research is Fun!

On September 30, 2010 Dr Teoh Sian Hoon had discussed with us on several topics which include Quantitative Data Analysis (Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, and Statistics in Perspective), Validity and Reliability as well as Instrumentation (Questionnaires, Checklist, Observation, and Interviews). She clarified all the things that we were unclear especially regarding the Type I and Type II Analysis. She had also discussed with us the practice sheet that was given to us last week. Since not many of us had the sheets printed out during our last class, so let’s refresh it here:

1. A group of methods and techniques which summarises or describes a set of data, without making any inferences or generalization. It employs the usage of tables, graphs, charts and numerical measures to summarize the data. (DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS)

2. The outcome variable of research. It is observed for effects due to the influence of another factor, the independent variable (s). (DEPENDENT VARIABLE)

3. The scale representing a hierarchy of precision on which a certain type of variable might be assessed. (LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT)

4. A representative portion of a population. (SAMPLE)

5. The magnitude of the difference between the characteristics of the sample and the characteristics of the population from which it was selected. (SAMPLING ERROR)

6. A scale where the distance between two values has the same meaning as any adjacent two values. This scale has an arbitrary zero point. (INTERVAL SCALE)

7. This scale has an absolute zero point (i.e. there is a complete absence of the property which the scale is measuring). (RATIO)

8. A group of methods and techniques that uses statistical tests and other measures to make inferences or generalization about a population from the information collected through sampling. (INFERENTIAL STATISTICS)

9. It is a characteristics or property of a person, an object or a situation, which comprises a set of different values or categories. (VARIABLES)

10. Many of the characteristics in natural data such as human’s height and weight, or characteristics in other living things, business and industry production, etc, have this interesting distribution. (NORMAL DISTRIBUTION)

Let's read, read and read again!


Refer to data analysis techniques that enable the researcher to meaningfully describe data with numerical indices or in a graphic form.


Refer to certain to certain procedures that allow researchers to make inferences about a population based on data obtained from a sample.


There are 3 evidences of validity namely content-related evidence, criterion-related evidence, and construct-related evidence to validity. 


- Refers to the content and format of the instrument
- Indicates appropriateness/ get to the intended variable
- The content and format must be consistent with the definition of the variable and sample of subjects measured.

Is the item logic?
Is the item enough to evaluate the areas?
Is it consistent?


- Refers to relationship between scores obtained using the instruments and scores obtained using one or more other instruments/measures (criterion)
- How strong is the relationship?
- How well do the scores estimate present or predict future performance of a certain type?
- The table above shows that the two scores (confident and interest) are not related.
- Not good because it shows that the respondent doesn’t understand the questions.


- The nature of the psychological construct/character being measured by the instrument.
- How well does a measure of the construct explain differences in the behaviour of individuals of their performance on certain tasks?
- The researcher attempts to collect a variety of different types of evidence

Okay, let's do some revision and Happy Studying!