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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reflection on Presentation 1: Types of Educational Research - Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies

The presentation of Research Methodology's class starts with the first presentation by our group (Me, Agalitha and Marliana) on the topic entitled "Types of Educational Research - Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies" which is largely extracted from the book of How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Fraenkel and Wallen.

Presentation 1: Types of Educational Research - Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies
Presenters: Nur Zahira, Agalitha and Marliana

Our presententation started with the introduction of quantitative and qualitative research. To review, quantitative research generates statistics through the use of large-scale survey research, using methods such as questionnaires or structured interviews. This type of research reaches many more people, and the contact with those people is much quicker than it is in qualitative research. In contrast, qualitative research is more into the explorations of attitudes, behaviours and experiences through such methods as interviews or focus groups. It attempts to get an in-depth opinion from participants. As it is attitudes, behavior and experiences which are important, fewer people take part in the research, but the contact with these people tends to last a lot longer. Under the umbrella of qualitative research there are many different methodologies.

Under the umbrella of quantitative research, there are 5 methodologies namely Experimental, Single-Subject, Correlational, Causal Comparative, and Survey. While for qualitative research, the various methodologies are Phenomenology, Case studies, Observations & Interviews, Ethnographic and Historical.

The powerpoint slides for our presentation is here.

Happy reading all !!!


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